Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?
Aren’t these the questions you should be asking as the end draws near?
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?
Aren’t these the questions you should be asking as the end draws near?
Dr. George Madray

Dr. George Madray graduated Cum Laude From the University of Georgia in 1974, with a B.S.A. degree in Agronomy (the study of the science and chemistry of soils). He then entered the Medical College of Georgia where he received his doctorate in Dental Medicine in 1977, after which he started in the private practice of Dentistry. He is involved in various business activities locally and internationally, from cosmetic manufacturing and marketing to computer online services. He is an inventor and holds several patents.

In 1985, Dr. Madray began to read and study the Bible seriously, with a particular emphasis on creation and prophecy. Since then, Madray has served as a part time dental missionary and actively supports missionaries worldwide.

He resides in Brunswick, GA.

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